Dian's POV-
This is fucken messed up. This is fuckend messed up. I tossed around in bed. I couldn't not believe it. Sandra was in a freaken psychiatric ward. How the hell did that happen? Monday she was at school then suddenly she's was locked up.
I sat up there was no point in me trying to go to sleep. I couldn't stop worrying. I got up and headed to the computer. Time to do some more research on psychiatric facilities. I'd been doing at least three hours worth every night.
I just felt so helpless. I couldn't do anything for my friend. I had to get all my information via Jane and couldn't even talk to Sandra myself. She had my number on speed dial never memorized it. Jane had insisted that her number be memorized. I use to joke about her being paranoid.
I just feel so helpless.
I'm surprised I haven't broken down yet. I always feel like crying. I couldn't imagine being in her position.
I have always admired her. But the fact she could go through this I honestly don't think I could.
Jane thought it be a good idea to write letters to Sandra. I could barely stop from crying when I wrote mine. It took forever to. I didn't know what to write to show how much I missed her and how much I cared for her.
There was hope though Sandra said that she might be able to get out tomorrow. But if not she'd have to stay in for another week at least. I just hoped to god she could get out.
God all I wanted was my friend to be all right and to come home.