Yesterday, Now, and Always...

Yesterday, our paths crossed,
I was happy.
Yesterday, you greeted me 'hi,'
You did it too cheerfully.
Yesterday, you made my day,
Add you did was give me a smile.
Yesterday, as you passed by...
You made everything worth while.

Now, I dread not seeing you.
We'll both be busy.
Now, I fear your not being there,
I don't know if I'll get lucky.
Now, I doubt I'll be with you,
I really, really, hope I do.
Now, I can't see your smile,
I hope you really do.

Always, I'll think of you,
I hope you do, too.
Always, I'll dream of you,
Hoping that of me, you do, too.
Always, I'll be with you,
So, to me, I hope you'll be.
Always, I have you,
So please, let me.