Seemingly random words or comments
Bursting from my mouth
Little things that come to mind,
Past experiences,
Hilarious moments,
Randomly popping into my head
Small things that have no relevance
But once they come out of my mouth
A whole new conversation can sprout from them
Like big plants growing from one tiny seed.
I may just burst out laughing
For no apparent reason,
But people like me for it,
It makes me unpredictable.
It makes me an exciting person to be with,
Because no one knows what I will do next,
What my next unexpected remark will be.
Once I grow up
What will happen to these random outbursts?
These spontaneous moments?
Will they still be there?
Or will they be abandoned,
And left behind because they are so random?
Will I feel pressured,
To be calm, and orderly,
In every aspect of my life?
Will others frown on me,
Considering these things to be 'childish'?
Will I stop expressing myself fully,
Changing what used to be 'amazing'
To being just 'ok' or 'interesting'?
Whenever an adult says something is interesting,
It always sounds fake to me,
As if they try to act as if they like something,
When really they don't.
Will I only be able to smile,
When inside of me I want to laugh?
Will these ways of expressing myself disappear,
To make way for grown-up things?
Once this ability to be spontaneous,
Is gone,
Has disappeared,
And has left no trace,
Will I ever regain it?
Perhaps not.
So I might as well just be random now
And enjoy myself,
While I still can.
A/N: i'm really not that random, but i think randomness is a good thing in people...anyways please review!