The Great Wall of China
High up in the mountains,
Shrouded in mist,
The path goes on,
Slowly curving,
And twisting out of view
Hidden by fog,
Revealing itself
Bit by bit
As you proceed.
Grayish bricks,
Old and worn,
Crumbling at the edges
Placed side by side
And then stacked up
Supporting the weight
Of centuries of feet
Walking along them.
A majestic sight,
Large and imposing,
Towering over the land,
Looming as you approach.
Against the horizon,
A shadowed form
Stretching on and on.
The stillness in the air
The sense of being
In an ancient,
Isolated place
Retracing the steps
Once trod by watchmen
Warily looking for signs
Of unseen enemies approaching.
The guard towers,
Once strong and tall
Now crumbling away
Before our eyes.
Gaps in the rows of bricks,
Signs of wear
On a long-used monument.
A lasting reminder
Of a past
That can never be forgotten.