Abstinence Poem
Fobes Health
The happenings of that one fateful night,
The time was good, the mood was right.
I thought I knew you, I thought you cared,
Thought you loved me, so I dared.
I knew the chances were 1 in 6 for a baby,
1 in 4 for a STD.
And yet I threw it all away,
For a night of carefree play.
A month later, you left me
For your ex, she
Hadn't a clue, would never know,
While inside, our child did grow.
Another eight months afterward,
I took a trip to the maternity ward.
For an hour, or more, I screamed,
The doctor showed me my baby, his face gleamed.
The night began with a simple kiss,
It grew to more, but my virginity, I miss.
Now, how am I to explain to my future hubby,
That I have a baby?