Ode of the Raven
A swift flight from this bringer of death
As you fly give life to the red dawn
The dawn meant for sorrow and despair
Turmoil as peaceful as sweet death
Bittered kiss of that sharpen black beak
While ripping your still beating heart from
Your chest Softly perched on this shoulder
Of the doomed Hacking into the ear and soul
Of all who would not hear
Inviting you into this body and soul
Creep into the shadows of this world
Shine the way for the reaper to come
Honor him by bowing down to his feet
Come to rise the fallen by the guide
Of your wings Take thee to the land of
Fallen angels and hopelessness Where blood
Falls from the cheeks And crumbles to the
Burning ground So come to thee oh fallen angel
And try to take the life in which you can not For thou
Shall never carry thee to the city of angels