by Ryuu no Taiyo

It devours your mind ruthlessly,
Cruelly taking your soul and body,
Hacking away at the threads of sanity,
Like the waves pounding the shore with fury.

My thoughts are broken and distorted,
My eyes no longer see the reality presented,
But the images in my mind that destroy my senses,
And surrender me alone in bare cages.

For each face the same thought,
For each voice a battle fought,
Forgotten long the melody of harmony,
But the chaos of a storm breaking my fragile sanity.

I look placid and calm, a never-faltering mountain,
But I am really but an insect in the harsh wind,
And though my defenses are withering to nothing,
My soul will not die but merely be imitating
The trees who slumber through winter.
And I shall hide my soul under a mask until the sun shines again.