Play, Pause, Fast-Forward, Rewind
If only life was like a movie:
Play, pause, fast-forward, rewind
I'd play through the best parts,
Again and again,
I'd fast-forward the troubles,
The problems I face
I'd rewind for a minute,
And look back on the past
I'd pause for a second,
To just take a breath-
And think about what to do next
I'd press the remote,
And switch bach and forth,
Go forwards and backwards,
Skipping from past to present
I'd rewind past my mistakes,
Give myself a second chance
But where is that remote?
Life has no controls,
No buttons to press,
So I just sit here and wait,
Watching the movie of my life
Progress in front of my eyes,
And I wait to see
What the next scene will bring.