Little china doll,
your draw-string words
are like small knives
digging into my flesh.
Your glassy eyes shine blankly,
emotionless and cold.
Plastic doesn't have a heartbeat.
Little china doll,
where in your delicate hands
do you hold your power over me?
You've plucked from my chest
a bloodied organ.
I can feel my veins pulsing inside you.
Little china doll,
you stand there sweetly,
twisting my brain in knots.
I love you like a masochist
loves cigarette burns.
Little china doll,
your smile is deceiving.
You've worn me thin,
and taken a match to
my papery soul.
Save my charred remains
as a keepsake.
Little china doll,
you've murdered me.
My love songs belied
your blackened conscience.
Still I rest easy,
thinking of you.
You shall have
your comeuppance.
Even the brightest diamonds are flawed.