Pain is Comforting
There is a strange sort of comfort
In knowing I am lost
In knowing God has forsaken me like the Archangel,
The devil Lucifer with His tantalizing spells
And the brutal honesty in which His followers thirst for
Like the crazed waif in the desert who begs for life and death
To say you killed me would be a crude understatement,
Because it wasn't murder, wasn't you
Drawing the obsidian blade from its silver sheath
To plunge it into the fleshy folds of my ribs,
My shuddering heart,
My gasping, writhing, bleeding organs.
It wasn't you tugging our bodies together to kiss me,
Your "unconditional love" seeping into me like poison
As your razor-sharp nails dig false promises into my abdomen
So that the broken flesh peels back to reveal
The startling emptiness you left behind.
You didn't kill me, not physically,
Because my adolescent body still grows as the sun rises and sets.
But my mind, you have inhaled and devoured each and every individual thought
Leaving my mind a hollow asylum where long-lost memories flicker
And later, fade to a bone-crushing nothingness.
And my emotions, those simple and complex things
That humanity has abandoned through time—
You have raped them
Raped them horribly, relentlessly, painfully
Until I could no longer cry, no longer scream, no longer speak
Only dream of the hatred inside me,
Spawned of my past dependence, now broken, on the
Façade you so skillfully wove from latex smiles and sweet nothings.
There is a strange sort of comfort
In knowing I am insignificant, a mere thirst-store trinket
To be bought and sold and bought and sold,
The glue which holds me together dissolving,
So that I am an ugly, flawed creature
Of smudged porcelain and rotting satin.
There is a strange sort of comfort
In knowing that I have been broken beyond repair,
And you can no longer hurt me
Like you have countless times before.