The Battle for Life
Narrator: As rain falls down onto the shoulders of the damned with a thud. The wind howls and cracks against the words. The Angel of Death, Gabriel, waits with The Angel of Life, Mathew.
Gabriel: (in a soft whisper) The night is restless and in the deep vast thing of life there is no hope.
Mathew: (So Gabriel could hear) Gabriel, are you sure she must die? She looks so sweet and kind to me.
Gabriel: You want to save the one creature that God meant for us to destroy? She carries in her womb the end of life as we know it.
Mathew: (Questioning Gabriel) What do you mean? How can one woman destroy life as we know it?
Gabriel: She carries within her the doom of men. She carries the Antichrist.
Mathew: The Antichrist? How so my dear Gabriel?
Gabriel: The one woman born into a damned world is meant to give life to the Antichrist. Only one anointed with the blood of a virgin at birth will carry the seed of hell. Now enough talk we must wait for the right moment to attack her. And banish the unholy demon back into the flames.
Mathew: (angered voice) ATTACK? Why are you fing going to kill something so pure? Only in life can there be hope.