The Battle for Life "Story Version"
A dark cold night crept into the world of the living. And I waited with my bother, Mathew, for our mark to go to sleep. Before we left heaven God told us to give the race of men hope for the future by killing the doom of all. If this creature was to be given life, heaven would fall and the angels would crumble down into the flames of hell.
A world of endless pain and suffering would prevail. As for me, I love it when helpless souls get caught in the middle of battle. My brother, Mathew, The Angel of Life calls me a snake. I, Gabriel, The Angel of Death love to see living souls bow down in front of me in fear before I rip their souls from them.
Perhaps I am a snake but I do what I must, what I was born to do. And this tale makes no difference. After all who wants the Antichrist born to bring the end of all life. When Jesus died to cleanse the world of sin, it was I who carried his soul to his beloved father. And now I shall banish this unholy seed back into the flames from which it came.
Just as my thoughts were gathering Mathew began to speak in his angelic voice. Compared in image Mathew was everything an angel should be. His golden blonde hair shines like the sun when mine is as black as the midnight sky. His white wings are everything that an angle should be and when the sun hits them just right they shine like pearls. Mine are the wings of the raven, solid black and glow red with angered.
"Gabriel, why must she die? God did not tell me. I saw him telling you something on the side. Do we even know her name?" Mathew asked, he wanted to go on talking but was quickly stopped by his twin.
"Isabel, her name is Isabel. And she MUST die. Your only here to make sure her soul does not slip into purgatory, while I carry the other soul to hell."
"Other soul?" stumbles through the next sentence "You m-mean you're going to k-k-k-kill a pregnant woman?"
We stopped talking long enough to reach the tree outside Isabel's bedroom window. Pondering if God was right, did she even know what grows in her womb? How did this lovely creature get so deep into sin that he would pick her to carry his condemned son? Is this how Mary felt when she gave birth to Christ? Did she know the son of God was growing in her blessed womb? How did these two women so alike yet so different know they were chosen for such a strong and difficult task?
"Mathew, just worry about her soul. That is your task. Leave the Antichrist's soul to me. Take her soul where it can be cleansed and reborn while I travel to hell."
"The Antichrist? Now I understand why she must die. But if that child is born it will bring the ruin of all. The Golden Gates will run red from the rivers of blood that that child will unleash. We can not let that demon into this world."
"I'm aware of what the Antichrist will do. Why else would they have paired US together on this task? Without death there can be no life."
"And without life death can not prevail. Now we wait for her to sleep so we can save our world. Although I do not like how you are going to do this."
Hours go by before Isabel goes to sleep. Mathew and I wait, trying to keep quiet. Mathew is still in shock from the news of the Antichrist and how Gabriel begins to question God.
"Are you sure that she is the one carrying it? I've never questioned you but on this one I am." Gabriel speaks to God softly.
"Only by the mark of hell will you know it is her." God's answer to him.
The mark of the upside down cross on the left hip will let them know. At last it is time for them to creep into her room and do what they came to do. But they wait, until she is good and asleep. I check the blade of the sword, it is sharp by running my fingers down it. The blood stains the sword and drips off the end and falls to the ground. As I did this I gave a grunt. It didn't really hurt but my wimp of a brother screams like a little kid.
"Oh come on, it is just blood. If you get so scared maybe you should just stay out here"
"It is not that you FOOL. Every time you cut yourself I get cut as well."
Mathew was very angry. But I saw the marks on his fingers just like mine. Us angel twins are different, when one bleeds so does the other. The cuts are the same the pain is the same and even the pleasure is the same. We had waited long enough before smashing the glass into her room.
She was dreaming of blood and pain. We crept into her room and Mathew held her down tight. I drew my sword and sliced her throat. The blood flew everyone on the walls and all over us. Staining Mathew's white gowns but since mine was black there was no marks. The white light of her soul begins to come out of her body and Mathew grabs it while I wait for the unholy soul to come. And it did after Mathew left.
I sent him away not wanting him to see this. Her lifeless body lay there and a dark cloud comes over her and the soul rips it way out of her womb. I grab it and take it into my own womb. Knowing that the powers from my angelic body will keep it locked deep inside of me but it sends a message through me so the world can here.
"For now you may have defeated me but I promise you as long as there is evil in this world I will return and you my dear Gabriel will be the first angel I feed to the dogs. Mark my words you will be the first to go and this then land will burn with the flames of my hell."
The battle in the world of good and evil goes on but for now the side of good has a tipped ahead of evil and has one this round. For now I move my way into hell and banish this demon. Before my departure I pray. Praying for me, for Mathew and for the entire world who does not know what happened on this eve.
"Bless me father for I have sinned, for I have killed someone in your name and now I travel to the land of burned hopes and damned dreams. Give me passage to your heart and bear me with the pain of giving this demon back. For heaven is safe under your love, father. Amen"