Chapter 1

One single tear rolled down her cheek, the sight of her father in the coffin made her want to scream and run away. Emily never felt so alone and afraid. She only had herself for support, everyone else was either out of the country or was not on this Earth further more.

The cancer took him. She never got a chance to say goodbye. They were close, yes, but her father wanted her to take a chance and go out and see life with it's glories. There's no doubt that there isn't the best of times, but her father always had a positive out look on everything. Now though without his positiveness to help her through she would calapse underneath the hard depression that she felt in her heart.

A single hand touched her shoulder, which made her jump a bit, but calmed her when the priest stepped beside her. That single touch told her that the service was over and now everyone that was there could leave. Emily slowly made her way towards to coffin and placed a single red rose on top. The significance of the rose was great to her and could not symbolize nothing other than love.

Everyone started to walk away, back to their cars and now and again a few would pat her back as if to tell her everything was going to be alright. It was a time of morning and a time to rejoyce, but neither happened because Emily was to cold now to feel anything, not even love.

Most had left by the time she collapsed on the ground sobing. Murmured words were said, but most uncomprehendable. Her head now against the side of the coffin her thoughts were of none other than death and despair. Her heart was broke in two and parished within her.

The tomb stone wasn't up yet, but she knew what it would read:

Jake Thompson


A loving son, father, and husband,

may we see you again

As that thought entered her head fresh tears welled up in her eyes blocking her vision. Emily no longer could bare the future, she couldn't look at the past and didn't want to live in the present. But she would keep the promise her father had asked. 'Emily promise me you will find love and promise to hold it close, for you never know when it may slip.

With that one last memory Emily walked back to the car with her head held low, hoping for something to happen, for she didn't want to belong to the place her father last was, but the business he had left behind now was left to her keeping. She would do what was to be done and leave after her duties. Or so she thought.