Marcus sat perplexed by the entire situation; he was neither enraged nor fearful simply stupefied by this recent realization. Lycenus and Katarine sat across from him smiling as if there were no concerns in the entire world all the while Marcus remained silent trying to rationalize all that had transpired. Katarine had mentioned briefly that her father was an Armenian noble, but that title could encompass just about anyone. Judging by the splendor and luxury of the home Marcus assumed he had the accumulative wealth and power to lead a reasonable resistance to any Roman authority, the Emperor included. Lycenus was not dressed in his usual black leather wares but instead in a more homely white golden embroidered robe.
"You haven't said anything Marcus." Lycenus spoke grinning as a servant came and poured them glasses of wine. Marcus still sat immobilized by the shock of everything unable to utter a single word. Katarine patted his shoulder consolingly.
"Oh, he's just shy." Katarine said lightheartedly. Lycenus stared deeply into Marcus' eyes and after a few minutes turned to Katarine.
"Darling," He started. "I'd love to have a word alone with Marcus, could you possibly go check on dinner?"
"Alight," She stood up turned towards the door parting the drapes aside. "be nice you two." She waved lovingly towards Marcus and stepped out. There was a long pause between the two of them after Katarine had left until Lycenus finally spoke.
"So, I see you admire the fruit of this household…" Marcus collapsed his face into his hands in misery. Lycenus sat up towards Marcus and began speaking in a more serious tone. "Let me clarify one thing; it may have been by sheer chance that my daughter stumbled upon you, but I have been ever aware of you're movements since then!" Marcus peered up at him.
"Why then?" Marcus spoke gloomily.
"Why did I allow the relationship to continue? To be honest I was completely oblivious that there was even any affection between you two, but when that knowledge did fall into my hands I saw an opportunity, and I took it, allowing her to wander off on long excursions and wild goose chases all to push her closer and closer to you." Marcus' angry glared pierced right through him as he spoke.
"No! Katarine would have never-"
"Oh no, my sweet Katarine told me nothing, you can be assured of that. No, I got that information from a very unlikely source…" Lycenus called out to someone directly in the room behind them. "Come in!" Marcus watched as the silhouette of a large cloaked figure approached through the red curtain. The pace of the footsteps sounded vaguely familiar but it wasn't until the man entered the room and removed his cloak that Marcus realized it was none other than Andreas. He stood by Lycenus side with a stern expression on his face trying not to make direct eye contact with Marcus. He was dressed in the same leatherwear as one of the solders of the Black Legion and was armed with shiny new blades and daggers. "My new associate Andreas, told me everything I needed to know for you see, I was in a terrible dilemma when I found out you're bloodline was too deluded to be controlled. However together we devised a plan to get you right under our thumb and up to now it seems to have worked." Marcus looked up at Andreas in sheer disbelief; a little more than a week ago he had pledged himself to Marcus as and ally and friend and now he was a traitor and enemy.
"Andreas?" Marcus spoke in a sad tone. "Is this true?" Andreas looked away from Marcus as if ashamed of himself. Marcus sunk into his seat completely devastated.
"You think me wicked don't you?" Lycenus' demeanor became somewhat more humbled as he spoke. "Well think differently of me, for I have done none of this in malice. You see everyone gets what he or she wants in the end. For you seek the love of my daughter, something I can easily allow if you submit yourself to my will and Andreas has happily agreed to relinquish his claim on you're head so long as he gets the credit and praise for your capture. It's all very simple really; think of it as an honorable arrangement for all of us and a more than generous offer from the future leader of the New Rama Empire!"
"You and I both know that's impossible!" Marcus scalded. "Every tribe of the Empire, human and Naga alike, are scattered across the known world disorganized and warring. No rally of a single man could ever cause them to unite." Lycenus laughed as if Marcus had been missing the entire point.
"Why, Marcus." He started. "I don't plan to rally men to my cause, I plan to force them at knife point! For you see this whole Winged Serpent affair has given me ample opportunity to assert my influence and military power into nearly every integral facet of Rome. All I need to do is give the word and the might of Rome will submit to my rule."
"Th-That's impossible!" Marcus exclaimed, however Lycenus' expression convinced him that he was sincere. "So I was simply a pawn the entire time…"
"Yes, if you want to think of it that way…" A harsh expression came over Marcus face as he defiantly spoke up to Lycenus.
"Fine… I may be responsible for you're rise to power but I'd die by your hand before I seat you on the throne!" Lycenus slowly raised the cup of wine to mouth sipping from as he calmly replied to Marcus.
"Very well." A sudden force erupted before Marcus slamming him with the might of a runaway horse. The table before him, the chair he sat in and the idolatry around him were suddenly blown backwards by the power of Andreas' staff. Into the courtyard Marcus was flung landing along side the center fountain smashing his back against it. Shards of wood, stone and glass came tumbling down beside him as the remains of the table finally returned to the earth. Marcus held his back as it ached with pain ever struggling to stand up again. Andreas patiently walked down the staircase towards Marcus who gave up trying to stand and resorted to crawling.
"You made a crooked deal with Lycenus, Andreas!" Marcus started. "What ever he promised you, it was a lie; a lie that will only serve his own purposes and doom many!" Andreas caught up to Marcus and quick pinned him to the ground under his staff.
"Let me get one thing straight," Andreas was grinding his teeth with an infuriated expression on his face. They were far enough away from Lycenus so as not to be heard so Andreas spoke sincerely. "I don't give a damn what happens to this Empire; you were nothing but a bunch of murderous back-stabbing bastard two hundred years ago and you will be a nothing more than a bunch of murderous back-stabbing bastards two hundred years from now! What Lycenus is planning is none of my concern however contrary to what he said, I have no intention of letting you live!" Andreas tightened the pressure of the staff against Marcus' neck but ultimately relieved it upon hearing Lycenus approaching.
"Careful now Andreas," Lycenus spoke conceitedly. "we don't want to damage our trophy now do we?" They both turned to Lycenus who had quickly dressed into his army wears during all the commotion. Several Black Legion solders quickly occupied the courtyard surrounding Marcus.
"What's going on?" Shouted Katarine as she rushed in altered by all the noise. "Andreas!" She shouted in a half cheerful voice until she took in the entire situation and realizing exactly what was happening. "No! Father, stop this!" Katarine rushed forward only to be stopped but two solders.
"Katarine!" Marcus managed pick himself right as Andreas spun his staff around striking him in the face and breaking his noise. Blood dripped down to the stone floor as Marcus held his face reeling in pain.
"What is the meaning of this?" Katarine screamed demandingly. Marcus turned to Katarine as if he was about to say something but remained silent.
"Ah, love…" Lycenus started. "The catalysis for all conflict in the world. If I'm not mistaken it was also the reason Rome burned to the ground some forty-two years ago. You see when my father discovered his heritage all those years ago Nero rewarded him with vast riches and power beyond your wildest dreams." Lycenus pulled out his bulla from under his shirt. "Our family crest. This gives us the authority and right to rule over all those in our dominion, you're father included." Marcus tensed up. "He was nothing more than a young simple Greek farmer when we found him, with no drive or ambition. My father brought him to Rome to do his every bidding, for you see he didn't have much choose in the matter for his blood was pure."
"Shut up!" Marcus shouted angrily. He didn't want to believe anything Lycenus said; he wanted to continue to hate his father the same way he had since his youth and he didn't want any excuse not to.
"But Marcus, you and him are exactly alike. For he also became defiant and threatened to take his own life should he have to perform another dreadful task on behalf of my father. However he had one weakness: a young girl had stolen his heart. How terrible it was when he discovered that she was a Christian!" Everyone stood shocked by such a revelation. "Yes you're mother was scheduled for execution in Nero's Circus, but offered a full pardon for her offences so long as you're father willingly served the Empire. He agreed." Marcus fell to his knees in agony.
"Father you can't really mean…" Katarine started. "Th-That you're the one trying to harm Marcus all this time?" Lycenus turned to her and spoke in a reassuring fatherly tone.
"My darling don't trouble yourself in such petty affairs. I do not intend to lay a finger on Marcus…" He turned to Marcus and smirked. "However if he does not obey my will, I might have to just surrender him over to my friend Andreas here for full retribution. Like you said earlier Marcus, you are no more than a pawn, and you have served you're purpose. Yes, it was my men who attacked that Christian grotto but even without that incident the mere suggestion of you has allowed me to seize power and now I can proceed with or without your help." Lycenus and two bodyguards started for the door. "Now if you'll excuse me I have pressing affair I need to tend to. I do hope you make the right decision Marcus."
"Father, wait!" Katarine pleaded. "You can't do this!"
"Please take my daughter to her room, she has worked herself up over nothing and needs a rest." The front entrance slammed close loudly behind him. Two guards began dragging Katarine away kicking and screaming when Marcus darted forward to her rescue only to be held back by Andreas.
"Katarine!" Marcus shouted as he desperately tried to release himself from Andreas' grasp. Katarine managed scratched and punched her way out of the guards' handle as they began up the stairs. She immediately picked up a near by flowerpot intending hurl it at Andreas. Andreas reacted quickly aiming his staff at the pot causing both the pot and Katarine to fly backwards against the staircase. The pot shattered into pieces as Katarine's body slammed against the steps rolling down to the bottom lifelessly. "Katarine!" Marcus screamed out pushing Andreas aside, running to her side. Andreas was rattled as well for he did not expect to knock her back that hard. Marcus held her motionless body in his arms for a brief moment until two guards grabbed him and pulled him away. Marcus began screaming uncontrollably and his eyes watered up as the guards pulled him back towards Andreas. Two handmaidens gathered around Katarine and began screaming and crying as one of the guards leaned his hand down to take her pulse. Marcus was overcome with so many different emotions he could barely contain them. All his morals, kindness and humanity were slowly draining away and being replaced by a rage unlike he had ever experienced.
"Ahhhhhhh!" Marcus screamed in a gargled voice as he pushed the guards aside with seemingly un-natural strength. He began thinking back to what he had told Katarine about those dragons who lived in the wild, so devoid of all human emotion that they could kill mercilessly. Marcus clutched his fist as he turned towards Andreas, eyes blazing, and animalistic. Andreas began to raise his staff in defense when Marcus swiftly slapped it out of his hands, with an almost instantaneous movement of his arm, stripping him of his power.
"Wh-Wha!" Andreas spoke baffled. Marcus held the expression of a mad dog with one eye twitching erratically. Most people feared and repressed the dark nature of their own soul, Marcus was no exception, for so long he hated the power, he hated the pain and above all he hated the clarity. When all things made perfect sense people lacked the most control, like an animal acting on primal instincts. Now, when nothing else mattered to him decided to brace it.