
An elf with a ponytail stood in front of Lord Thomas and Soul Heart. His name was given as Ryu just as Thomas's name had been given as Lord Thomas. Ryu smiled. "Hell, Tom. It's been awhile."

Thomas nodded. "Not too long."

"Fifty years," Ryu replied. "Sounds pretty long to me though."

Thomas made no comment. Soul Heart advanced.

"Whoa, nice horsie." Ryu backed up. Soul Heart lunged forward, and the elf jumped back. "Hey, look, Tom, there's no need for aggression."

Thomas stood up and called Soul Heart off. He swung a punch at Ryu, who blocked it. "You've improved, elf."

Ryu bowed. "Thank you, sir."



Thomas sighed. "You know when to address me as lord. I'll leave it to you to decide."

Ryu grinned. "I still haven't forgiven you."

"I noticed," Thomas replied. He grabbed Soul Heart's mane before the stallion could chomp on his arm. The horse snorted.

Ryu muffled a laugh. "Uh, stubborn horse, there?"

"Be quiet, Ryu."

Ryu positioned a staff in front of him. He began to speak melodramatically. "I summon the forces of good to overwhelm the darkest evil standing in front of me and his evil companion!"

"…" Thomas was impassive.

White specks began to flutter about in the air around Thomas and Soul Heart. Thomas was not expressive. "Get with the times, Ryu. If you're going to kill me or even try to kill me, you must move from your fireworks to the dynamite."

Soul Heart snorted. Ryu blinked.

Thomas sighed. "Was the analogy that bad?"

Ryu nodded vigorously.

"That bad?"

Ryu chuckled. "Yes, it was that bad."

"Well, you do understand what I mean, right?"

"Of course. Everyone understands an evil man's points when they're strangely out of sync with that horrendous man's thoughts."

"…" Thomas was stoic.

"I was only joking half heartedly, of course. Enguarde, Thomas." Ryu unsheathed a sword and held it in ready position.

Thomas drew a sword out. "Your efforts will be quite futile, Ryu." Soul Heart snorted.

Ryu gazed at Thomas's sword. "The sword of the lord of the ford of the bored of the gourd of the board connected by the cord of the hoard of hire!"

"Ryu, I'm afraid you're terribly mistaken. It is merely known as the sword of the Lord of Fire."

"Hey, cut me some slack here. I was only trying to describe it in full detail!"

"How you were managing to describe with those words… I won't even go there."

Ryu shrugged and charged.

"The roof got blow off again, sir. The three of them were playing War Game," the servant said.

Allen frowned. "…"

Kira sighed. "So, what's the plan for keeping them apart?"

"You take Kent. I'll take Arden, and we'll get Kevin to handle Forest."

"But I had Kent last time."

"Fine, take Arden. I'll try Kent, and Tia will fix the roof."

Ryu and Lord Thomas fought for two days straight with no breaks. Neither retreated nor fell. Neither fumbled. Miraculously, Soul Heart watched with no aggression. Perhaps, it was because Thomas had threatened to the stallion in if it acted.

Ryu suddenly knocked Thomas off balance, and Thomas let himself tumble to the floor and drop his sword. Ryu brought the blade point to Thomas's neck. Thomas laughed heartily.

"You're laughing," Ryu commented.

"You noticed," Thomas chuckled. He knocked Ryu's sword away with his arm and stood up. He sheathed his sword. "Why don't you drop by Chronopolis some time?"

"I f I knew where it was, I would," Ryu answered.

"I'll show you."

"Of course. Better watch that horse."

"…" Thomas glanced at Soul Heart. "I'll lead."

"Common sensically. I wouldn't know where to lead."

"What, Sir Tom?"

Thomas was impassive. He reined Soul Heart and started walking. "This way. A nice walk through the country, shall we?"

"And there goes the old horse," Ryu remarked as Soul Heart started galloping all of a sudden and dragging the lord along. Ryu followed.

"Damn horse," Thomas muttered.