Give me a reason to believe that your gone,
I see your shadow and know there all wrong..
I cant let you go,
Because your not gone.
You're here with me locked away in my mind..
I cant abandon my love..
Come back to me.
We've been threw so many lives,
So many years spent together..
Why should death matter?
Even in death you still there,
By my bedside as I toss an turn,
I can feel you there..
Aching to touch me, to hold me, to love me..
And in my dreams you do.
He said I was crazy to hold onto nothing but a memory
But your so much more than that..
You're my heart,
You're my soul,
You're my mind..
Six feet of earth cant keeps us apart,
Space, time, galaxy's..
Nothing but obstacles that we've already over come..
Come back to me.
I see your face..
Burned so clearly in my mind..
Your reaching out, blood dripping from your wrists,
You touch my face, pull me close, cold lips on mine..
Can I make you warm again?
I remember you alive..
The last time I saw you.
The raindrops clinging to your dark skin, brown curls damp from the storm..
I remember the way you felt..
How you held me, how your lips felt on my skin, how your hands felt on my body..
I remember we moved like the waves of the ocean, how time stood still as I gave you my all..
I still feel the burning lines your fingers traced down my legs,
I still feel the kisses placed gently on my neck, my chest..
My entire body burns for you..
Then suddenly I'm jolted back to reality,
Breath in, breath out..
Is it wrong to lust for a ghost?
To waste away over a spirit who will never come back?
Come back to me.
As the morning light creeps in my window,
The light playing games with the shadows on my wall.
The darkness takes forms,
And I see you, underneath the willow tree.
Back in Rome, our small sanctuary hidden in the grove.
I remember that the fig trees had just bloomed, and the sent of roses filled the air.
That was the day you told me you loved me,
As we laid together, starring up at the sky..
I remember the hesitant kiss placed on my cheek,
Your gray eyes filled with uncertainty, with fear that I would reject you..
Why me?
I look at myself in the mirror, and the monster I know to well gloats back at me..
Black hair, brown eyes, pale skin,
These are the only things is see,
Written in invisible patterns all across my skin.
Why me?
Close my eyes, put down the brush, close the make up box,
No matter what I do, ill never be the angel you saw.
Come back to me.
I smile at him, let him wrap me in his arms, let him kiss my willing lips.
I love him.
My hearts split in to many ways,
One side aches to be with you, one with him, one with the other.
Why is love so complicated?
Why douse it hurt so much?
I thought love was suppose to heal all things,
Why is it ripping my wounds back open?
I'm so tired of the drama,
I'm tired of being hurt again.
All my scars from past and present remind me daily that I'm worthless..
I'm in love,
It cant be helped..
Come back to me..
R.I.P Daniel.