Author's Note: The Unknowns

Well, to all of the people who were looking forward to reading the new chapter of The Unknowns, I'm afraid to tell you all that I have some bad news. My internet has been down for quite a little while, and I'm afraid that I couldn't update for the past little while. I finally finished chapter two yesterday, which was June 18th. But, when I went to upload it in the document manager, it just wouldn't work, so I'm sorry to tell you that I'm going to have to start the story over again. But, that's alright, because I know that I'll be done in no time.

I would like to thank all of the people who reviewed the previous version. You are very kind.

I've changed a few things in this version, like the format. Quite a few people were getting confused with it, and I didn't want anyone to be confused. So, you're in luck. This version should be a little easier to understand.

For anyone who's new to this story, this is the first story in what I hope to become a series, and if you enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoy writing it, then don't hesitate to leave me a review. And if you leave me a review, I promise that I'll get back to you and review some of your work.

So, here it is. The Unknowns, version two.