SomethingI wrote for my writing workshop class a couple months ago. If you think you've found any hidden meanings in this...any little hidden passages...dont be shy, write 'em in your review. Or you can email 'em to me, either one, but i really would like to know what you think. Please review(whether u found hidden stuff or not)! Enjoy!
Deep With The Shadows
Below the depths of the oceans
They sing and dance,
They swim and breathe;
They are the mermaids.
Underwater humans,
Only graceful in every way.
They know of man,
Yet they know they're better.
Twirling around in beautiful circles,
Their long hair floating and twisting around them.
So graceful are they,
Like an eagle circling its prey,
A woman dancing in love,
And a goddess walking on air.
Her singing as sweet as a pear
Humming a lullaby,
Attracting unlucky sailors
Who fall for their spells.
An unlucky sailor sick for home.
Seaweed and starfish
Stuck in her hair,
Wanting to be near her flesh and scales.
Pearls found lying around her thin neck.
There are no shadows for her on land,
But down below,
Where no ungraceful human can venture,
Their shadows are there,
If they're not a blend where it's too dark to see.
The scales around her waist and below,
Slimy if ever touched by a human.
I wonder how no human has ever been able to touch a scale?
The mermaids swim below their boats
And twirl under their feet.
They dance around their fishing rods
And fishing nets,
Laughing or crying whenever a fish gets caught.
How does no human ever know?
How do they never see the beauties below their feet?
Day after day,
A mermaid sings,
Or laughs
And plays.
They cry,
They anger
And fear what is unknown,
And what is known.
They are humans with scales
And a magical ability to breathe where
Other humans cannot.
Day after day,
A human sings,
Or laughs
And plays.
They cry,
They anger
And fear what is unknown,
And what is known.
Is there really any difference
Between these two types of humans?
If a human ever does sight a mermaid,
Singing or swimming,
They will be awed.
Paralyzed and entranced
By the charming princesses of the ocean.
These energetic princesses
Who can swim across the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific
Without a single heavy breath.
All they need to fear are the hungry great whites
And the spear throwing barbarians upon the forbidden lands.
She fears the humans,
Yet she teases them so perfectly.
A mermaid sits on a rock
Protruding from the ocean.
She sings and waits
For the sailors to come again.
She knows they will.
She knows they will die.