Give it up, what you got to live for?
Friends? Please, they don't give a damn about you
Go on, cut a little more
Cut a little deeper too
You can't even feel you've gone numb
What's the point in living
Look at you, you're so dumb
All you are is giving
Let's get some evil into your life
Let's get that blade deeper on your wrist
Think of your life and all your strife
Thats it, get mad make a fist
Come on, just a bit more emotion
Thats all I need work with, then I have you
And here, drink this toxic potion
Yea, take a few pills too
That isn't enough girl, come on you need more
You need to end your life right now
What are you crying for
There is no work, I'm showing you how
That's it, close your eyes
You're getting so tired aren't you
Don't you worry, there'll be no more cries
You'll be happy in hell too
Voices by Arm
Poetry » General Rated: K+, English, Angst, Words: 181, Published: 7/2/2005