I just want to live
Don't really care what happens to me
I'm sick of this take and give
I just want to be set free

I just want to really live
To go out and have some fun
But all I do is give
While you take away my fun

I just want to live
In this pathetic world we hate
But I hope you can forgive
If I'm not perfectly great

I just want to be alive
Why do you keep piling on this sht
You make it so hard to survive
God...You'll never forgive me if I quit

But I just want to live
And you force to slit my wrists
You always take while I give
It makes me so mad I make fists

I'm so fricking tired of living
I'm so tired of especially you
I'm so tired of giving
I'm so tired of the "you have too"'s

I give up on this stupid life
I've realized I'll never grow old
I'll never even be a wife
But you've made my heart grow cold

This is the final end of my life
I hope you rot in hell with me
This is the end of all this strife
I'm finally being set free