Chapter Five
"Melanie, you are going to be late for school!"
Melanie's eyes flew open. She hopped out of bed, got dressed ran downstairs to grab her book bag and ran out the door.
Melanie ran all the way to school and managed to make it into homeroom seconds before the late bell rang.
" Today, since it's Friday, we will just be talking quietly in resource" Melanie's homeroom teacher, Miss. Blanc announced. Everyone turned to a neighbor and started chatting away. The girl across Jamie, from Melanie jabbed her friend Lisa's, ears off. Melanie just pretended not to listen.
" You know Melanie, right? The girl whose sister recently died of cancer? Well I found this letter to her sister in the cemetery. To try and make her feel better, I wrote back pretending to be Sarah. I hope she doesn't find out. It will upset her so much."
Melanie almost cried. Every class she just sat there, doing absolutely nothing. Finally it was time to go home. Melanie just plodded out the door, while other kids ran by, calling to friends, ready for the weekend.
When Melanie got home, she took her stuff upstairs to her room. On her desk was a letter. Melanie picked it up. It was heavy and in gold writing where the words:
To: Melanie
From: 66 Cloud Avenue, Silver Lining, Heaven.
Melanie threw it down in disgust. The envelope opened and a layer of gold dust came out. It formed itself into a letter that read:
Dearest sister Melanie,
Do not be too upset. I miss you very much. There are a lot of cats up here to keep me company while I watch and guard over you. You would be pleased to know that there is horseback riding up here.
Love your sister,
Then out of the remaining dust, and image of Sarah appeared. Her hair was all grown in, long and flowing between her pure swan white wings, blowing away from her golden face with green eyes, the face so much like Melanie's.
Yes, Melanie, it's me. I have come to see you again." Sarah's voice was soft, sounding like tinkling little bells. She reached out to brush Melanie's cheek. Her touch was as soft as a butterfly's kiss, almost as if it wasn't there. "Remember Melanie, I will never stop loving you. Someday, we will meet again. Melanie, I will watch over you, and always remain in your heart. Good- bye Melanie"
Then Sarah faded into the angel dust. Suddenly, Melanie felt happy. She went over and pulled out her diary.
Dear Diary,
I just realized that Sarah isn't gone at all. She will always be in my heart. It feels like a huge burden as been lifted off, my shoulders, allowing me to skip and frolic almost as happily as I did when Sarah was alive. And that's what is important. Of course, there will always be a grieving part inside of me, but now it's not controlling my heart as it was just minutes ago. Well Mom's calling, time for dinner.
Melanie closed her diary and put it under her pillow. Then taking a deep breath she skipped down the stairs ready to start a new life.