Tree of Life

By: Alyson Brokaw

A small green shoot

Reaching its hand up to the world

As it grows, the world becomes different

New perspectives

New ideas

New angles on everyday life

Each day is a new day

Surrounded by family

And your friends

Loved by friends

Feelings change

Grown and alive

Filled by the spirit of nature

And love

Emptied by the evilness of hate

Though the body changes

The heart stays the same

Forever the same

Season after season

Day after Day

Time after time

Happiness of spring, coursing though your veins

Buds of love and joy, begin to show themselves

And display their full beauty

The summer full of love and joy

Not a pain in the world

Your body is full of life

You're green and full and whole

Changes in autumn change not

Your brightly colored leaves reflecting your spirit

But winding down to winter, you feel different

A wearing away at your soul

You feel energy draining away

In a long windy river

The wind blows, bitter cold

Your heart grows lonely

Friends no longer there

You leaves fall, littering the ground

Leaving you alone

Love is ebbing slowly away

The winter ends

Time is slowly growing old

Your rings become many

You are no longer there

A spirit

Flying above yourself

A freed soul

You feel the life slowly coming back

But this is a different life

This is the life of heaven