(NOTE: These songs belong to a character I created; they are used to cast spells upon unwary travelers. I generally dislike poetry that doesn't rhyme, but as these are songs and are supposed to have actual tunes, I thought I could ignore that for once.)

SONG NO. 1: "Song of Slumber"

1 Sleep O sleep

the night is deep

the garish moon is silenced

by thick-clad boughs where no bird dare creep

and the world is a lonely island.

You are alone

you never had known

so sweet could be solitude

the wind's dark wail, the night-hound's moan

fear not; they daren't molest you.

Close your eyes

drown your sighs

within the thick chamber of wood

forget the day's troubles, betrayal and lies

and sleep where no man dare come or could.

2 Sleep O sleep

the night is deep

the singing moon is silenced

by choking boughs where no life dare creep

and the world is a tide-drowned island.

you are alone

you had never known

so deathly could be solitude

the wind's black wail, the night-beast's moan

are the lullaby sung to you

close your eyes

stifle your sighs

within the thick prison of wood

forget the day's valour, beauty, and lie

here to sleep

where no man comes or could.

SONG NO. 2: "Fire Song" (song of death)

The blazing fire

Begins to smoke

It lessens, less, and less…

The sparkling kindles

Begin to fade

They vanish, vanish, vanish…

The mighty flame

Subdues its hue

It blackens, blackens, blackens…

The fire is out, and all that remains is a mound of ashes white.

SONG NO. 3: "Song of Love" (no. 1)

Sweet my Love

The moon is bright

Sweet my Love

Come is the night

Shut thine eyes against its glare

Resting whilst I stroke thy hair

Sweet my Love, etc.

Let my lips caress thine own

Let us take joy in the dark, alone

Sweet my Love, etc.

Come to me and be my love

In the night with the moon above

Sweet my Love, etc.

SONG NO. 4: "Song of Love" (no. 2)

O touch me

And love me

Desire burns within me

Desire burns within me

Give me those loving sighs,

Those tender looks and soft touches

Give them to me, and I will return them twofold.

Give me your utmost trust,

Your honor and your heart

Give them to me and I will give you

O I will give you

The fulfillment of that desire which burns within you.