
Sometimes I just want to run away
run away from the pressure and the pain
run away to my own Utopia
just run away.

Sometimes I wish I didn't have friends
I was just alone in the world
nothing to live up to
nothing to compare to.

Sometimes I wish I had friends
people to care for me
people to look to
a shoulder to cry on when times are rough.

Sometimes I wish I could just speak
say the things on my mind
speak out against the wrongs
speak out for what I feel

Sometimes I wish I had no voice
I was just a breeze,
actions speak louder than words
with no voice its all I would have.

Sometimes I wonder if we are here alone,
what else is out there for me to find
what other wonders can I explore
what adventures await me in the recesses of my mind.

Sometimes I watch the sunset
wishing my fears could disappear as well
but like the sun
once morning comes they all reappear.

Sometimes I wonder about my dreams
will they ever come true.
or are they just wishful thinking,
a distant star to never be reached.

Sometimes I hide in the dark,
away from what I need to face
Hiding from what I need to see
flinching from the pain that is so good for me.

Someday I will live up to my dreams.
Someday I will face my fears
Someday my life will come together
Someday I will reach enlightenment,
and learn the truth of life.

But if that someday never comes,
will I be left here thinking,
watching the stars twinkling in the distance,
thinking only of the sometimes I never could achieve.