It was almost time. The time for human life to be judged. Even the angels had no idea how God would act. Would he be lenient with his creations? Or would he, finding them a failed experiment, decide to erase any trace of them from the universe? Finally, he made an anouncement. The decision he made shocked all throughout the heavens. But none were more surprised, than, Zachariah. He was one who never fully understood the great human experiment. What was their purpose? What was so fascinating about them? What made God conceive of such beings? However, now the question was, why me? God had chosen Zachariah to go and live amongst the humans. After his term on earth he would then return and based upon what he had to report, God would make his final judgement. Never since Lucifer had an angel been sent from heaven. Zachariah thought it was a punishment. A punishment for ever doubting God's plans and motives. No matter what his motives were now, Zachariah had no choice but to do as God commanded.
Over the next one hundred years Zachariah bore witness to all of what human life had to offer and then returned to heaven to tell God what he had seen and experienced.
Every rank of angel from every choir gathered to hear what Zachariah had to say. Never before had an angel lived as a mortal, and now all would get to hear all about humanity, and the future of the species as well.
To God Zachariah told stories of sadness, death, betrayal, greed, injustices and pain. He told stories of mothers losing their daughters to complete strangers, of never ending circles of hate leading nations against each other, of the violence carried out in God's own name against the children who loved him the most, of children killing themselves because they don't see an open path, of people's beliefs betraying them, of those already in poverty losing so much more, of people being punished for doing what they thought was right. As Zachariah told his stories, they were met by gasps and sobs by all those that were gathered. In the end Zachariah was also in tears. He looked into the eyes of God and asked "Why allow this to go on?" God only gave a small smile.
As Zachariah stood there staring at God, he began to understand. For all the countless horrors and atrocities that man visits upon itself, there was always something else there. For every evil and awful act that happened, there was one just as beautiful being born. Certainly there is death, and pain, and loss, but there is also love, and compassion, and strength. He understood that for all the darkness there was just as much light waiting to be seen. He understood that for every story of woe, he could also recount a story of happiness. He understood that this was what humanity was. It was both dark and light, good and evil, ugly and beautiful, it was all these things that made it wonderful. Humanity struggles and against the odds it flourishes. With all its flaws…you could always find something incredible buried deep within each human being.