I Would Be Free
I looked, my life was safe,
I turned again,
And the skies were no longer blue.
I couldn't reach the stars,
The world wouldn't let me.
I was scared,
Life had just become dangerous.
I couldn't walk anymore without knowing,
Knowing that the rapids could take me,
The thorns would stab me,
The rocks would bruise me,
The fire would burn me.
Knowing that they would tar my wings,
So I couldn't escape back
Up to where I knew I was free,
Free to dream.
Where I knew I was awake,
And where their fetters wouldn't keep me.
I would be free…
Free to fly awake and alive,
As lively as the spring.
It's what I would be,
From the pain, and sorrow,
From the lies and the anger
That was never mine.
It's my true reality.