I am a memory keeper,
I love to see and find out what humans
Feel and think.
This is just another love story,
However, with a different twist.
I found that feeling, amongst the others.
Just a recent event and here it is,
What I saw and felt
Among what I have found:
When he was going after her,
She just ignored him.
When he said those magic words,
She turned him down.
When he tried to make a move to kiss her,
She almost killed him with her glare.
When he proposed,
She looked at him, as he was dirt.
When he gave up,
She did not care, of course...
That's when he left,
As far away as possible.
From her, grief, and disappointment.
Some time passes,
He returns.
But this time,
He has a heart that's full of vengeance,
And hunger for revenge for once broken heart.
Once again, he is put off.
But this time,
Not by cold stare and a non caring look,
But by a smile, that she gives him,
And by her words.
"I'm glad you're back and thank you for showing me
what a fool I was."
His vengeances melted, his hatred gone,
He stares at her confused and baffled.
"I was a fool, who thought that you just played around but,
I became an outcast when you where gone.
Everyone liked you,
Everyone, but me."
She lowered her gaze and stared at the bare floor.
"Then I realized that I was the one not worthy of your love,
But you were gone… I guess you hate me now."
He did not know,
For she did look and sound like a different woman.
Before, she was extravagant and flashy.
Bold, and seemed to be not afraid of anything.
Now she was dressed plainly, looking shy.
Instead of giving him cold looks,
She did not look at him at all.
Her face was down and blushing,
When before she'd stare chin up, her face as cold as ice.
A single tear ran down her face,
Again he was put off.
"I'm sorry" she whispered and turned to leave,
He grabbed her by the hand;
"You are forgiven.."
-I still do not know
What happened between the two
Love is such a …
Feeling? Thought?
Will we ever know?
It is just so many things.
And even I, who saw the memories of the whole world
Will never truly know what love is...