I feel the slinky material over my body

As I slide on the dress.

In my mind I was about to walk on the catwalk.

Agents looking for real talent.

Looking for me.

My legs carried me down the platform

As the cameras attempted to catch my form in the perfect pose.

In my mind I was far away from my problems.

Strutting the sexy outfit on my sexy body.

I moved just right to accent the clothes.

In my mind I was wearing clothes that no one else had seen.

I was showing off my skill as a model.

In my mind, I didn't hear my parents nagging

Just the clicking cameras.

I couldn't hear, or see the bile that made its way from my stomach to the toilet.

Just the cameras, flashing wildly.

In my mind, I was unaware of my friends' worried glances,

The only glances I saw were from agents.

In my mind, I wasn't a size five,

I was a one.

In my mind, I wasn't wearing make-up to make my face look colorful,

I wore it to accentuate my clothes.

In my mind, there was no denying me of food, so that I remained skinny,

There was only food, I wasn't hungry for.

In my mind I didn't have a cell for emergencies,

I had one for agencies.

In my mind I wasn't just pitied girl,

I was the epitome of perfection.

But in reality, I was the girl I pitied.

In reality, I was pale.

In reality, I was fat.

In reality I was sick.

But in my mind was a haven.

In my mind I was skinny.

In my mind.

In my mind I was beautiful.

In my mind I was a size zero.

In my mind I was a model with a perfect appearance.

In my mind I was someone, anyone beautiful.

In my mind…

I feel the slinky material over my body

As I slide on the dress.

In my mind I was about to walk on the catwalk.

Agents looking for real talent.

Looking for me.

In my mind…