Broken Records and Scratched CDs

For all that he did
And for all that he didn't do
And everything he might've done
Before it was too late

To look back without crying

I remember the second time I ever got a rose

And I remember the completely nerve-wrecked note
I remember a thousand hours of mind-numbing 'fun'

Slipped in place before summer boredom could set in
I remember ten-thousand times of soul-bearing words
And thoughts that we both knew and never said

A head on my knee, and moments we were content to let stay
I remember an infinity of possibilites we missed and opportunities that we let pass by
I remember there were two triangles that broke
For all that triangles are the strongest shape
And we had built this one so well
I remember someone who was shy and afraid of what might ever happen

And had to ask me where to take every next step
I remembered someone so close I had three houses instead of two

And to think now I only have one
I remembered thinking maybe it could all come back if I tried hard enough
If I tried hard enough I could step backwards in time

A hundred-thousand times he/I have wished and thought
For times long past; for times filled with heat of something we thought we both knew
Winds bring change, and change brings fall and winter
And spring and summer again
I think I know what they meant when they sang
"In the end I want to be standing at the beginning with you"
I think I know what I meant when I said a million times I'd let go
I meant I never wanted to let go

And I think he's right

He, who stated what I feared:

I have a heart
And no matter how many times I ever swear this time IS THE TIME
I keep twisting time to make it tomorrow
And tomorrow never comes