It's the fifth time you've left me in this room
Full of dying roses that you promised me once
The white hurts my eyes when you take pictures
But you don't seem to care
For all that triangles are the strongest shape
A line we know so well
For all that we built this one so well
I thought I had touched you then
That you had listened and responded
Imagine my sorrow
Imagine me
Laughing and feeling my heart slowly cut into pieces
I am the epitome of hysterical
On the inside
A little above where I like pink
And a little below where I decided to hate you
Broken Records and Scratched CDs
We throw them away
No need for broken things
Not here in the top 1 of the world
I. Don't. Need. You.
Although you wish I did.
Because you need me.
I named you Eradan.