Tiger Hill

in the Solitude of a cloudless mind, theres
fire in a tiger's eye, where
snowy dots drizzle upon white haze
of twisted blue creeks, of careless winds,
of artificial gardens whose peace
tempts an emperor's desire.

Stained by the blood of
a thousand lives, a rock, struck
down by decree to contend a royal sigh,
whose followers ignite the village cries
to conceal the legends beneath of 3000, where
writings on walls could say no more
of some caged freedom.

But as tears dripped from the crops of
of its dark earth, a
martyr of a workman's masterpiece lays, preserved, made
with its sacrifice, bearing no more
of its guarded secrets.

Yet, somewhere deep beyond scrolls and some tattered passion,
a couples tale swims motionlessly through the pages
of an unwritten glory, as
a triangle door betrays the danger of
the mighty pagoda, perched precariously
atop the tiger's roar.
