A/N- Wanna know a secret? I've never read Interview. . . XD I, uh, skipped it. :3

As the months went by, Coby was more and more reluctant to leave the apartment. It took most of his will to get him to work in the morning. He no longer went out Saturday nights to get drunk, but instead stayed home with Syd.

But Coby being away allowed Syd to have some time to himself. All day long, he worked hard to master the art of the violin. Upon Coby's return to the apartment, Syd would show him all that he had taught himself that day. He was progressing quickly, too.

One day in mid-October, Coby walked into the apartment, a newspaper under his arm. Syd smiled at him, and offered him a freshly-baked cookie. Coby took one with a slight smile, and handed Syd the paper, which was opened to an article filling up a corner of a page. At the top of the article, there was a picture of Syd's face.

Taking a seat on the couch, Syd read through the article. He frowned a bit, but upon finishing, he shrugged.

"So I guess I'm legally dead now," he said, biting into his own cookie which was still warm and gooey.

Coby sat down next to him, putting his arm over his shoulders. "So in no time at all," he said, "you'll be able to go out again." He smiled at Syd, whose skin had become pale and sickly from the lack of sunlight. He beamed, his expression seemingly too much for his small, frail frame.

"Thank you so much!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Coby's waist and nuzzling his head into his chest. Coby smiled down at him, completely taken by his childish innocence.

Syd stood up. "Would you like me to play for you?" he asked purely, lifting his violin from its case. Coby nodded in respectful response, and Syd lifted the violin to his chin. He strung out a simple yet beautiful melody. Coby closed his eyes with silent satisfaction. The music moved him in ways nothing had ever before.

As Syd got deeper into the piece, he began to sway slightly, becoming one with his music. His eyes were barely cracked, and were watching Coby, a sense of pleasure playing with the smile on his lips. He loved the feeling he got when he played. Even when he was alone, it made him happy, because, subconsciously, he was reminded of how much Coby enjoyed his music and how much joy it gave to them both.

He let the final cord linger in the still air of the apartment as he slowly let his bow and violin down to his side. His eyes were fully opened again, and he watched Coby, whose face gave off that same look of silent satisfaction. This gave Syd a special delight, seeing as Coby's cold and often bored expression hardly changed, especially to one of such emotion.

His eyes opened slowly, revealing the sparkling teal. He gazed at Syd, smiling, beckoning to him to sit. Like a puppy, Syd obeyed. He sat innocently next to his companion, who gently laid an arm over his should and pulled him in close. Words would have ruined the moment.

A/N- Sorry for the short chapter. . . Sweatdrops 3