Sticky Situations
What if a pancake got stuck in your throat? What on earth could you do? Would you choose milk or water to wash it down with? And that leaves the question of if it will go down at all. What if the pancake is still stuck in your throat, even after you washed it down with whatever beverage of your choosing? Would you run around in circles trying to say "there's a pancake stuck in my throat!"? But then all you would probably manage is a, "mmmm mm m mmmmmmm mmmmm mm mm mmmmmm!" Why did you try to swallow the pancake whole anyway? That is why someone came up with the idea of cutting them up into smaller pieces. Maybe you could pour syrup down your throat to see if it would help the pancake slip down into your esophagus. That would be really gross . . . . . That would probably result in a gag reflex . . . which could cause you to cough up the pancake! YAY! Then you wouldn't have to choke on a pancake, and you can live for many years after and eat as many pancakes as you like. Or what if it caused a gag reflex and the pancake was still there along with the gastric juices of your stomach? You would probably die. But perhaps the gastric juices in your stomach would dissolve the pancake lodged in your throat and it would all slip down into your stomach to be happily digested. Your esophagus probably wouldn't be too happy with you, though. But, I supposed we'll never know until someone does get a whole pancake stuck in their throat.