You'll be sorry you made my life misearable! I shouted angrily as I turned and walked away. Jenny Automme and Jeff Jones (the peoples I was talking to) just started to laugh. I knew I would show them. By the low marks they got, I was surprised they passed. They were in all my classes and I thought they would never make it to high school. But I was wrong. I thought of the long hours I spent crying in my room but now I'm ready to face them! You probably don't understand what I'm talking about but now I'll explain!
It was a warm automn day and I was requested to be in Mrs LaSonge's class. Every one thought she was the best in the bis I thought better. To me she was a devil trying to make my life miserable. When I did great work she would mark it F. When my parents went to meet her she acted inoccent and my parents believed her. But alone she was the devil!
She wasn't the worst part! Jenny was awful! Every time I'd walk to class she'd sneer nasty remarks like "look it's miss Ugly! I wonder who she looks like Mom or Dad" or maybe the usual "She looks like a Frog, sounds like a frog, talks like a frog are you sure you're not part frog?". I didn't mind remarks on my apearents but when she started insulting my religionI was fed up! She always yelled in class " I hear that Canada is going to force the Jewish out! I hope they get rid of the Nazarene! No more Janet, no more Janet!
After long her new name was the Nazarene Nut case but it grew old and they couldn't find a new name. Soon later a new kid named Jeff joined our class. He made my life so bad no one would even talk to me. Since I only had one friend named Jake I tried so hard to make him stay with me even though he was sort of a nerd and all. Though he did indeed leave me because Jeff started to say how nerd boys always get ugly girls! I knew he was saying I was ugly and only nerds would hang out with me . Jake later made the excuse that his mom didn't like him hanging out with her and he ran away.
So that lead to when I was shouting after that I knew I had no where to go so after school I packed all my clothes and brought all my cash I left a small note for my mom telling her I was searching for a new life. I explained that I'd be backat the Junier High reunion in ten years hoping my life would change and if it didn't I still tried.
After days I found a school that liked my A average Harvard law school I passed with greatness and I made over twenty new friends and a new boy friend Josh Stevensten. I became a lawyer and to my surprise they offered me a job at modeling. I excepted without telling anyone. At midnight I snuk out of bed to modele.
After 10 years I was 25 and engaged to Josh. I finaly heared from my school telling me about the reunion. Josh and I travelled back to Canada and arrived at my mom's place at six. I told her that I was engaged and she said I should have my wedding here I did not agree with her thought and I told her I was having it at my house. She allowed us to stayat her house and she woke us up early to tell us it started at noon.
So we got and there I told Josh I was a model. He seemed very surprised and he didn't believe me at first so I showed him a magazine with me on the cover. He told me to bring the magazine to the reunion It could be proof
At the reunion no one remembered me except one , Jake and he even asked me out ! I explained I was engaged. He frowned. Later every one asked him who I was they all came to say hello except two! Jeff and Jenny I could see Jenny but not Jeff.
Everyone explained that Jenny and Jeff were married. They both had lousy jobs and two kids, James and Lily. Jeff murdered someone and was put in jail. When he got out he comitted suicied. Jenny's been working 247 trying to feed her kids. I suddenly rememberedwhat I had said 10 years befor
"You'll be sorry you made my life miseable" and I wanted to say it to her again but I felt very sorry for her.
I walked towards her and smiled. She didn't smile back. I sat down beside her and she cried out "I'm sorry I made you quit school and I ruend your life but with that memory ruined my life too! So are we even?" Gently I told her what she told me made me stronger and made me face my fears. I told her I was a model and a lawyer and that I might be able to get her a job with modeling.
Of course she was excepted since she was pretty and all! She feed all her kids and I got married. Of course things don't always go that way but if you get ties don't forget what hurts you may make you stronger like it did to me!
P.S Never give up