When will it end?
I feel empty inside
Nothing matter anymore
Not this life, this pain, this world
Every second I spend in this insufferable place
Is suffocating, chocking me to death
My mind is my only escape
And all I can think of is you
I don't know who you are
Or if I'll ever even find you
But I know you're out there
Waiting to be found, for me to call your name
I know this because
I also wait
I know and loathe this longing feeling
Of always having that vast empty space
Such a small piece missing it seems
Yet, without is, I am lost, empty, incomplete
I hate to fell this way
So I lock my heart up
Bruised by abuse of others
My heart now harbors suspicion
I wait for your healing touch
I know that I am being selfish
By being so inpatient
Yet, all I can do is wait
All I ask you
Is when will it end?
When can we be complete again?