Chapter Thirteen: Mistake

Aiden's POV

The seconds just tick away as I await David's response to my confession. I don't know where I got the courage to tell him, but I felt that it was something I had to do. Now I am standing here wondering if it was all a good idea cause he is just staring at me blankly. What is he thinking? Is he thinking I am selfish for telling him now of all times? Does he not like me in that way? Please don't have him tell me that I am like a brother to him and nothing more cause that will just kill me! I wish he would say something cause this suspense is tearing me apart inside. The fact that he won't speak makes me nauseous. This is definitely not a good sign... please God; don't let him break my heart.

"I... well... I'm sorry Aiden, but I've got to go." He says as he turns away and runs to his car.

I just watch as he gets into his car and drives away, my heart breaks apart in my chest. How could I have been so stupid to have actually told him? God what am I going to do now? I am still shocked by the way he reacted, though I am not sure why cause I should have expected this. Now I am sure I have lost my best friend and it is my entire fault, I am such a fuckin' moron! My eyes start leaking tears and soon it turns into full sobbing. I can't even balance myself right so I collapse to the floor and cover my face with my hands. All I can think is how I should have kept my feelings to myself.

David's POV

I drive down the street feeling like I am walking around in a dream. Everything is fuzzy and everything sounds far away from me. Aiden just told me that he is in love with me and I just ran away like the wimp I am. What the fuck is wrong with me? I thought that this was what I wanted! He tells me the one thing I had wished I had the courage to tell him and I just walk away. Actually I ran like a scared child. I don't know why, but I froze up and had to get away from him. I love him I really do so why did I run from him? Am I afraid of love? God I am so fucked up!

I reach my house moments later and park my car in the driveway. Shutting off the engine I just sit in the driver's seat with my hands on the wheel. Closing my eyes tightly I let out a shaky sigh and try to clear my head. I shouldn't have run out on Aiden like that, I am sure it killed him when I did that. I can't even imagine the pain I caused him. Actually yes I can! Oh my God I did to him what I was so afraid to feel again... I rejected him. Well in a way that is what I did. Damn it why do I have to be such a fuck up? I would never want Aiden to feel how I did when Scott rejected me, I felt stupid and like I had lost him forever. God I hope he doesn't feel that way cause he could never lose me, he is stuck with me for life whether he wants me or not. What am I talking about of course that is how he is feeling... I broke his heart. I need to fix this...

Just as I open my eyes I let out a scream of surprise. Scott smiles softly and says that he is sorry for scaring me. Holding my chest I open my car door and slap him upside his head. He just laughs and backs away from me slightly. Suddenly his face gets serious and he asks if he can talk to me in the house. I begin to tell him that I don't have the time, but he begins walking toward my front door. Letting out a groan of frustration I slam the car door and let Scott into my house.

Aiden's POV

After a while of sitting on the floor feeling sorry for myself I stand up and stagger into my living room. I practically throw my body onto my couch and just lie there. I contemplate turning on the television, but never end up doing it. I feel like doing nothing, I feel like shit. Getting drunk sounds appealing, but I won't allow myself to drown my sorrows away with alcohol. I am not going to allow myself to give into the depression that is trying so damn hard to control me.

Finally I turn on the TV after I force myself to reach for the remote, the silence is taunting me... making me think too much. Fuse comes on right away and is ironically playing one of our videos. A sad frown forms on my face as I watch David sing into the microphone, he always did look amazing in this video. This has to be one of my favorite videos that we have ever done. Watching David makes me even more depressed, but at the same time is making me more and more determined to go over to his house and talk to him. I know I am probably the last person he wants to see, but I can't leave things the way they are between us.

Strength suddenly floods my body and I find myself jumping off of the couch. Putting my hand in my pants pocket I pull out my car keys and exit my house almost forgetting to lock my front door. Rushing to my car I get inside and start the engine. Backing out of my driveway I step on the gas pedal and speed down the street towards David's house. Hopefully there is still time to save our friendship.

David's POV

I follow Scott over to the couch and sit down next to him. Looking at my clock I let out a shaky sigh. There is plenty of time, but I want so badly to go over to Aiden's house and fix this mess I have caused. Scott is one of my best friends, but right now Aiden is my main priority. God that is so not convincing since here I sit on my couch with Scott when I should be in my car on my way to Aiden. Damn I really am a horrible person, aren't I? What I did to deserve such amazing friends I will never know.

"Scott what is it you wanted to talk about? I don't mean to rush you, but there is somewhere I really have to be at the moment." I say impatiently.

"Oh... sorry for wasting your time." He says lowering his head.

"Scott I didn't mean it that way." I say softly, grabbing his chin and making him look at me. "I'm sorry for being a jerk, I can tell something is bothering you so I am willing to listen if you need someone to talk to."

This seems to brighten his spirit cause slowly a smile forms on his face. "Well something is bothering me."

"You can tell me."

"Well Quinn and I have been fighting a lot lately, it got worse tonight. He is threatening to leave me David and you know the worst part of it all?"

I simply shake my head, too shocked by what I am hearing to actually use my voice.

"I honestly don't think I would be too broken up if he left... I think I am starting to feel for someone else."

"You are? Who?" I ask almost hesitantly.

"Well... you, I think I have feelings for you." He says softly.

My heart drops when I hear this, why does it have to be me? Why couldn't it have been Jerry or something? I had a feeling that he was going to say me, but I was hoping that I was just paranoid. Shit, what am I going to do now?

"Scott, uh... I am sure you are just not thinking clearly, you and Quinn are meant for each other. You have just hit a rough spot in your relationship, but once you get past it you'll see that it isn't me you like cause you are in love with Quinn." I say as calmly as I possibly can.

"Only one way to find out." He says with a smile on his face.

I don't have enough time to register what is going to happen cause he throws himself at me and connects our lips together roughly. My mind is screaming at me to push him away, but my lips seem to have a mind of their own. I find myself kissing him back. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't seem to tear my lips away from his. What surprises me though is I am kissing the guy I was so very much in love with and am feeling absolutely nothing. Clarification is screaming in my mind... I am over him.

As I start to pull away I hear a gasp and practically push Scott away from me. Turning so fast toward the doorway that I almost give myself whiplash to see whom I had feared to be standing there. Shit... Aiden! I am really in deep shit now!

"Aiden it's not what it looks like." I say standing up quickly.

He just stares at me brokenly before turning and leaving my house. I run after him of course and stop him before he can get into his car. He looks to not even have enough energy to push me away cause he just lets out a sigh and stands there.

"What do you want from me David, you got what you wanted all along... you have Scott. Why don't you just give me this one thing and let me walk away with my dignity okay? Just go back in there and be happy." He says, tears choking his voice.

"Aiden you..."

"David please just leave me alone!" He pleads looking at me morosely, tears shining in his eyes that he hasn't let fall. "I'm a big boy I can handle this okay, just... just give me some time. I... I've got to go."

I quickly grab his arm before he can get in his car. "You don't understand, I don't like Scott that way!"

He stares me dead in the eyes and it makes me flinch, they are so intense. "Then why did you kiss him?"

I open my mouth to answer, but no words come out. I just stare at him like an idiot. He lets out a sigh and snatches his arm out of my grasp. Slamming the door he backs out of my driveway and disappears into the night.

A/N: Sorry for how much the POV changed in this chapter, I hope it didn't annoy any of you too much.