My schoolmates say that they have already proven that a certain weather spell works. If it is raining, just get a piece of paper and a pen, and then draw a picture of the sun. As if by magic, the sun will be present. If the sun is shining in all its unbearable scorching glory, sketch some clouds. Some white fluffs will appear on the blue sky to cover the sun. It is simple yet successful, at least according to them.

I believe that their perspective regarding this weather spell is nothing but a childish fantasy, similar to the absurd idea that a pot of gold is present at the end of the rainbow. But as I ponder about the weather spell over and over again, I soon realize that somehow within my being, I wish that the weather spell were really effective. And I begin to dream that by drawing pictures of different things on paper, they would become factual and existent. In that way, we can solve all the problems in the world. Hunger? Draw a luxurious banquet. Poverty? Draw a treasure chest. War? Draw superheroes to resolve it. Any problem would immediately have a solution. Just make sure that the world would not forget to manufacture enough paper and pens to meet everyone's needs and wants. The macrocosm would be perfect.

What a paradox. In every person's heart resides greed, although its amount varies from one person to another. But still, greed can lead to destruction. Literally and figuratively so. Thus, if the spell were true, people might tend to abuse it. It is normal that people crave for momentary pleasures, yet too much of such earthly glory is disadvantageous. Also, not all people have good intentions. Therefore if the spell were actual, nobody could be assured that it would be safe to rely on it. Life would be more complicated than ever.

Yet, stubborn as I am, I still hope that the spell were real, but not with material things. I imagine it being efficient in promoting peace, harmony, and intellect. My opinion about this is sort of abstract, but I think it would be psychologically helpful. I mean, it may appear weird, but why not try to envision it? After all, I have the right to visualize what is considered unreal.

For example, just by drawing on paper, a person could pass information from his memory to all other brains in the universe. In that way, it would be effortless for a teacher to make the students understand a particular matter, or for parents to make their children grasp their perspective. Would not that be great?

Moreover, people could indeed sympathize or empathize better with each other in this way. Just draw it and everyone else would feel the same way about it. That would be very nice, because people's reactions would be more sincere and convincing.

Also, if one looks forward to causing others to become happy, all that he would have to do is to draw it. It would not be necessary for him to attempt other silly ways to cheer others up.

Existing upon the face of this Earth would be cool and cute. Or so I thought.

What if through the spell, a person delivered false data to everybody else's mind? Or worse, what if a person distributed evil or shocking facts that might traumatize others or give them serious heart attacks?

The imposing of emotion on one's spirit is ridiculous too. If people could control the feelings of one another, then everyone would be like puppets. It would be as if no one would be in command of their own souls. It would be so gloomy.

The entirety of the normal planet that we now have would be very altered. I do not even like to meditate about the irrationality of the spell.

As I am writing this, I can hear raindrops striking our roof violently. Also, I am experiencing pain due to the wound on my right foot. My retainers are broken due to the nougat I ate a few days ago. My hair is messy, and so is my room. If only everything could be fixed if I grabbed that pen and started drawing, I would have only a few troubles. But then again, the dreadful consequences, that might happen if the spell were regarded as truth, haunt my psyche, enough to make me feel contented, at least for the time being. We shall see.