The mud was coming into my boots and was curling around my toes. I felt the cold glaze that hurled itself in my direction. The small tears that were silently falling down my face froze before they hit the ground. I failed. I'd run away. I'd turned my back on everything I knew and everyone I knew. My hopes and dreams were scattered in hundreds of pieces and I didn't know where to find them.
I walked slowly along the shore trying to find any hopes of gaining my memory of my former self. All I saw was the reflection of a small scared girl. Nothing could explain her face, her feelings. No one could tell what her face read before or after.
That little girl was so scared she couldn't talk. That little girl was so scared that she couldn't walk. She was so scared, she decided that she didn't want to breathe. So I tugged off her boots and her small bag containing her purse of money and a few tokens from home. I kept on my thick wool coat, well, it might speed up the process. I looked hard down at my small brooch which was the only connection i wanted or had and pinned it to my coat just above the heart.
My head hurt but it'd be better soon. This time all my problems would wash away with my blood in the salt water. After jumping i felt immense fear but also relief because in heaven you couldn't hurt.
"Is she alive?" Cried her desperate mother. She clung to the pale clammy hand and struggled to believe what had just happened to her little girl. She wasn't depressed. Was she?
"Please miss can you keep back your questions until we reach the hospital. She's a very ill little girl. We need to get her treated as soon as possible. I'm afraid however that she's suffered severe damage to her back and head. She's been in the water for quite a long time and phenomena is inevitable. Just let us do our work and we'll see what we can do for her"