By: Curtis White
What do you see?
- The sun.
- A ball made of hot gas, light-years away that produces energy in usable forms such as heat and light.
- Happiness, warmth, light.
What do you see?
- A flower.
- An organism which produces oxygen by absorbing the carbon dioxide from the earth's respiratory organisms.
- Beauty, serenity, metamorphoses.
What do you see?
- A Valentine's Day card.
- A product sold on the Day of St. Valentine as a means to portray one's feelings for another.
- Love, friendship, kindred spirits.
What do you see?
- White.
- A bright shade, made from lack of color.
- Purity, endlessness, loneliness.
What do you see?
- Black.
- A dark shade, made from the combination of equal amounts of red, green, and blue.
- Corruption, hatred, blindness.
What do all these things mean to you?
- Life
- Life
- Life