Chapter One..

My Abyss

Left in the cold abysses of darkness to look up at the little streams of light trickling down from the heaven yet not far enough for me to reach. The silence is unbearable I hear my own thoughts. I think thought like how the silence might make me go insane.. To be able to scream.. I've screamed, I've screamed a lot for someone to help me but no on ever comes to save me. It's cold.. So cold down here. I can smell the water that has gone bad from being on the dirt floor. There isn't anybody coming for me.. No one will save me. There's no door down here it's only a round room that no one has ever left except when they have died. I guess it is my fault though.

"Kill it!" My father yelled as he stood behind trying to get me to shove the sword through the weeping girl's heart while she lay curled up at me feet with crimson tears streaming down his face.

My sword shook as if I tried to be strong for my dad except I was afraid that I could barely breathe. But it was a blood thirsty creature that would kill more innocent people if I didn't slay it now. She looked as afraid of me as I was of her. Her platinum blonde hair was caked with blood as well as her skin and clothes. I was so afraid I couldn't. Finally, the sword came down and chopped of the girls head. I cried I think I didn't stop even when I got told I was a hero. Father hated me I know he did he said 'I was weak for crying, that I was weak for hesitating,' I was only 17. He expected me to kill a girl that only looked to be 12.

Then my mother got ill and father told me I had to kill her before I would regret it. Then she died.. I couldn't even say good-bye. Then a week later father fell ill and father told me to kill him or he would have to. Father wore a cross around his neck. He only visited me once in a while because I was considered a hunter and father would come from the church. Father said a prayer for my father but my father was gone. Then time seemed to become an abyss a perpetual fall that would never end. That day I walked as far away from my town as I could; away from the church that sat in the middle of the town, away from the poverty-stricken city away from the night stalkers. But father waited for me on the hill out side town. He told me to stay at church; he told me that my father was the truly weak one. Then he told me it was my destiny to be a part of the Knight's and I could never abandon my home.

No matter how much I argued with him father wanted me to stay. I asked him what is there to stay for. Then I left, walking into the forest as deep as I could go. The darkness taunted me from the shadow of the forest. Then I saw something swaying in the shadow as if a ghost but I knew well all the ghost that once haunted are town were gone because of the night stalkers. I was afraid and the shadow knew that when it flew at me my world went dark. I could feel my mind slipping from my grasp then I was gone. Then I woke up I'd been bound on my bed in the church and there were people talking yet I couldn't understand a word they said even though father looked like he was talking to me. The smell of the church burnt my nose. I cried when the brought in one of the Knight's. He was covered in blood and he pointed the sword on me. I could feel the cold point on the sword against my throat. I feared that if I swallow the sword would cut my throat. Then I woke again I was in the abyss and the men locked the abyss. Then I screamed, as loud as I possibly could and then time passed by; days, hours. I became so tired I feel asleep, time escaped me, and I woke up. Now my hunger grows I eat rats raw yet there taste about sent me mad. My skin has lost all feeling due to not being able to get warm. I don't know why I haven't died because of the cold. However, I feel the scares on my face from the insanity of the rat taste.

"lalala.. Do you love me? I was lost but know I'm found." The female voice sang as soft as a bird but as strong as the walls, that held him.

Is someone singing? I can hear their voice? Someone's up there! The song I've never heard it before. He opened his mouth taking in a deep breath hoping that the person out side of his abyss would be able to hear him. "Is someone there?! Please help!" He yelled to only here the footsteps move farther away at a faster pace.

Great.. They heard me but they ran away.. That was stupid I want to be in the warmth of the sun. He was lonely, hungry, cold and tired.

"Excuse me are you the one that yelled for help?" The female voice asked as she peeked over the edge of the hole.

Is she talking to me!? Could this be for real? He thought to only see the out line of the young lady. "I.. I thought you ran away." He yelled up to her.

"No. That was my guy friend he's a total pansy." She said laughing as she looked down trying to find him.

"Don't get to close I don't know if the bars will hold. If you fall in here there's no way you'll be able to get out of here!" He yelled worriedly that she might fall in.

"How did you get down there?" She said still looking for him. Her voice was like chocolate sweet and smooth.

"I don't know. I woke up down here." He yelled as he reached toward the light knowing he was to far down to feel even the weakest vibe of warmth.

"Owh what's your name?" She said reaching her hand in to the abyss a little testing how deep, it was. "Stay alive I'm going to get you out I promise."

I hope she doesn't fall in. I'm just so hungry. I'm starting to think she would even taste better than rats. Owh ya, she asked me my name! What is my name? Do I have a name?! No! I have to have a name it just I haven't thought about it in so long no one has even asked me my name in so long.

"I don't know! I can't remember!" He yelled as he stood on his tipsy toes trying to reach the warmth to only get pulled back down by the chains that wrapped around his legs and the chains that clamp around his wrist.

"Oh, that okay. My name is Lexy." The girl said when she pulled a way form the pit her footsteps got farther away.

"Hey please don't leave! I don't want to be down here anymore." He yelled as he leapt up towards the light to only fall down back to the ground." He let out a cry of frustration.

I'm alone again! No.. That the first time I talked to someone in such along time and now I'm alone again!

Soon the sound of the footsteps came back to his ears. He could smell the sun light that teased him. The urged to leave his imprisonment was all but consuming.

"Hey you're still down there?" Lexy asked looking back in the pit through the iron bars.

"Yes!" He yelled sitting there looking up at her curves.

"I got some rope tell me if you can reach it when I feed through the bars, okay." Lexy said as she started to thread it throw the bars. "Listen to me if you can grab it, don't climb up the rope."

"What? Why!" He yelled angrily.

"Because I'm seeing how deep it is and if you can reach it I'm going to have to open the bars. Can you wait that long?" Lexy asked threading some, more rope throw the bars.

"Hey I can see the rope." The young man said as he stood up reaching for the rope that seemed to still be out of his reach by an inch. "I can't reach it there a little space between the rope end and my finger tips. Is there anymore rope?" He yelled up to her hoping she would say yes.

"Yeah! You're pretty far down there. Is everything okay?" Lexy asked threading some more rope down to him.

"Umh. Besides being chained down here?"

"Can you break them? I have a flash light if that will help." Lexy asked threading a little more rope through the bars.

"Hey I can grab it!" He said presently as he felt the warmth of the rope in his hands. "What is a flash light?!" He asked look up at her confused.

"You don't know what a flash light is?! It's a plastic container that holds batteries and a light bulb it man made light."

"You would give me something like that?" He said surprised as if it was an unbelievable treasure and someone was just giving it away.

"Yeah. Can you catch?" She asked pulling out the flashlight from her pocket as she tried to find him so she wouldn't accidentally beam him in the head.

"Yeah!" He said happily letting go of the rope as he watched her excitedly.

"I have to open the bars." She said as she pulled the rope back up through the bars as she put the flashlight a side.

"Isn't there a lock?" He asked as he tried to move away from the wall trying to track Lexy's out line to only be stopped by the chains once again.

"Not it looks to be rusted off." Lexy said as she lifted the metal rim shoving it as hard as she could. This made the hinges squeak 'til the door landed on the other side of the pit. "There." She said as she ran to the rope picking it up leaning over the pit a little.

"Well, well. What do we have here? Lexy you are all alone and unprotected isn't this a pleasure." He said as he grabbed Lexy throwing her to the ground.

Lexy hit the ground with a thud as Danny picked her back up by the shoulders, started to shake her as she kick, and screamed to only be slapped across the face by Danny. This made her vision spin as the world spun and go black as she hit the ground.

"That's what you deserve Lexy and that were you belong." He said as he kicked her in the side.