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No-one ever sees the real me, no-one ever stops to look.
I'm like a shadow in the background, torn pages from a book.
Inside my head I'm screaming, but my lips shan't utter sound,
Escape from my own body, for I shall cut the bounds.
My face is like the written page, ever word a smile or frown,
Every emotion's like a sentence, and a crease like roads in town.
Who are these faceless people, who wander through my life?
Who trampled on my dreams and run my hopes on through a knife…
My appearance is now lifeless, my smile is but a ghost,
My frown is ever deepening; parasitic to its host.
These days I gaze upon a rainbow, but all I'll see is black,
and people will try to befriend me, but I'll wait for their attack..
For it always comes from behind my back, until then I lay in wait.
I can't allow myself to get too close; I must recognize the bait.
Did you ever wonder why I was so sad, sitting by that windowsill?
Thinking of things that had come to pass, and the things to happen still…
Well did you know that I had dreams? I know that you did to…
Like broken glass they're shattered now, and it's all because of you!
Where did the sparkle go, from my once vivid blue eyes?
They're lost within the darkness, and buried in the lies.
For now they burn with tears that well, I blink and hold them back.
For to cry would show them weakness, a strength of which I lack.
Well now my heart is open, for all the world to see…
the scars and wounds that it once bore, split right in front of me…
And as I watch, their faces grow dim, as my eyes turn dark and cold,
and the world turns ugly, begins to fade, with the lies that I've been told.
A world I once saw as beautiful, is now an ugly thing.
The pain of people in this world, now tug at my heartstrings.
Now the time has come, the end is near, the last page has now been written.
I'm glad this chapter is now closed, for the author is now quittin'.
And as the storm clears, the sun shines once more
and I gaze upon this rainbow, and I finally see the colours…