"This girl is me"
Her eyes, they shine with sunlight,
Her hair it glitters with rain.
Her lips sparkle like stars so bright,
Her face it shows no pain.
Bet you don't that she's depressed,
She's caught you in her bluff.
For every day she feels repressed,
Turns out she's not that tough.
But deep beneath this unchanged mask,
There's pain she'll try and hide.
Her parents never thought to ask,
Nor bothered to confide.
She stands within a crowded room,
It's like no-one can see her.
She sees her fate, in settled gloom,
No love can she remember.
A world of fakes and madness,
No-one can hear her cries.
A pool of mistrust and sadness,
A lake of hate and lies.
Her parents – they work every night,
She spends her nights alone.
Even when they're home – they fight,
At school she's on her own
She goes home and locks her door,
Throws herself upon the bed
Crumpled dreams litter the floor
Another day she'll dread.
I bet you never notice her
Or thought about her pain
The pain, just like a spike'd spur
You don't even know her name
She had no words to tell you,
No way to name to lies.
There could've been something you could do,
To wake up and hear her cries.
But in the end, she paid the price,
Never thought drug-taking kills.
If only she'd had known – thought twice,
Before taking all those pills.
A new beginning, roosters crow
But now this girl is free
I bet you didn't think or know,
Know that this girl was me.