A/N This is a fiction-based poem I wrote to play on how pointless suicide can be, and I also wanted to tackle depression from another angle. Basicly it just plays on how precious life is, and how some take this precious gift for granted. Please leave a review, and Enjoy.

"Death's disappointment"

Their eyes shine no more,
lest their hearts go on beating,
as Death makes his call
his gaze never fleeting.

Name struck from the list,
with a quill cruel and sharp,
there were no white clouds
lest a heavenly harp.

There were no gold gates,
nor angels is waiting
this image of Death
I'll forever be hating.

The blood now is trickling,
or are those my tears?
So hard to distinguish
like truth and my fears.

They both taste as salty,
I try not to give in
to the pain over-whelming
that eventually will win.

I don't know what hurts moreā€¦
Is it the pain in my wrist?
the gushing of blood,
my hand balled in a fist.

Or does it go deeper?
The pain in my heart?
the emotional train wreck
that tore me apart.

I whisper in the darkness,
as the light starts to fade,
perpetual peace granted
"I am not afraid."

Another name struck,
as Death shakes his head,
"So many lives lost
"And for what?" as he said.

Did you have a bad day?
Did they tease you at school?
The gift you've been given,
'round your feet it now pools.

Around you limp, lifeless body,
- precious gift gone to waste.
Did you even stop and think
of the others in your haste?

Of those dying of cancer,
and diseases of sorts,
of quadriplegics in wheelchairs
who'd kill to play sports?

And can't understand
why you'd throw it away,
the life you've been given
that somehow went astray.

So many buds, barely roses,
their petals turned to dust
their thorns a show of cruelty,
once red like fire of lust.

Death's cold, empty sockets,
held small rays of sorrow
for these kids once so innocent
there'd be no tomorrow.

This was my epiphany,
this dream saved my life,
a pen placed in the hand
which had once held a knife.

Now I walk amongst the tombs,
of so many now long lost,
petals of Death now scattered
- blood stains amongst the frost.