Release me, reveal me

Release me from this world
that I've been cursed to for so long,
hack away the chains that bind
cast my soul free from the throng.

Purge my heart of all the evil
that accumulates with time,
it twists and rips and consumes all
- a deadly, snaring vine.

Though unlike every other vine,
this snare, it feeds off lies
and unfurls itself in darkness,
for light it does despise.

Reveal me; tear away the mask
that has become a second skin,
I've worn it for too long now,
a saint's face hidden in sin.

Free me from my constraints,
give me back my stolen breath,
I'm suffocating in the light
from within the clutch of death.

Light protecting those it wants,
laying the rest to bare,
night accepting those it shuns
for darkness does not care.

Night was once the throne of death,
cloaking its master in soft caress,
in fear we fools cling to the light
as if the dark we could repress.

Because we don't see the beauty
of dark light without austerity
a touch so soft and gentle
unlike that of light's severity

Yet everything is so much simpler
when you cannot see yourself,
millennia of tainted souls
upon Death's fame'd shelf.

I've walked this line my life's entirety
and now I'm teetering on the edge
of a great, gaping, void chasm,
being beckoned off its ledge.

It walked with me along this path,
It shadowed my lonely steps
through the garden of withering trust,
past wilted flowers of my debts.

Beneath the light of the frozen sun
we are revealed for who we are,
each falsity and ill memory
marked upon the soul, a scar.

Under the cover of darkness
our lives softly slip away,
like the ebbing of the tide,
the seconds flit away another day.

Each second, a memoryeach memory, a tear,
our lives trickle in emptiness
that comes when death is near.

I'm standing naked; no more masks,
soul laid to bare, and mind too,
lonely echo of my voice, "come out"
"and let us finally meet the real you…"

Release me,
reveal me,
remind me…
of me

A/N So... what did you think? Reviews really help (nods encouragingly and looks hopefully at 'submitt review' button) : D