She had me wrapped around her fingers, I felt so dumb to fall In love
with a girl who was married with my bestfriend, how could I tell him
I was In love with his wife..It would destroy our friendship, but she made
me feel chills all over..we made love right In her bed, she said she
wasn't sure If she could truly love me, she wanted to stay married to
him because of there precious babies, which were 1year and 3 of age, those
could've been my children I thought, only If I hadn't left her In high school
, we would be together like destiny intented for us. They had a perfect
relationship, I just could'nt betray my bestfriend for falling In love with
my highschool sweetheart, which was now his newlywed wife. It just killed
me to know I loved her so much..I just wanted her to continue her beautiful
life with Gregory forever. For week's we kept apart and we both suffered
the pain of not being with eachother ever again. I just had to fall In love
with someone else...but I hated the Idea of not being with my true lover.
Now month's had past and I finally met another woman who I could fall
In love with, She wasn't anything like Myra, But I had to a least try to
fall In love with another woman than Myra. Me and Nicole became very
close lovers, but It wasn't quite passionate like me and Myra's love was.
A year had past and I had recieved shocking news from a friend, I was
so deeply stunned and sadly depressed..I was told that gregory had died. I wasn't
told the cause of death, but told he died that morning the sad news was revealed
to me over the phone. That same day I was even more stunned of shocking news
That Nicole had Died also from an tragic event, I was told that Nicole had been
In a car accident and Died Instantly. I just couldn't believe such horrible
strucking news upon one day. My bestfriend and my current lover were
now dead, I had no one but myself In this world, I could never love anyone else.
The next day Myra and her children had arrived at my house, Myra just
ranned to me with such a empty sadden then looked upon eachother and
My love for her then broke loose upon me..I just could'nt help myself, but
love more news appeared upon me, Myra then told me that Gregory
had died also In a car accident, I just couldn't believe It. Then out of the
ordinary..we both found out that Gregory and Nicole were killed In the same
car accident upon crashing to eachother. I just couldn't believe how
weird that was. Later that week Timmy had an blood-confusion-stroke
, he was only four of age, He needed a blood tranplant seriously asap
or he could die Instantly, He needed a match, but Myra wasn't, The
doctor told us only the father could have this kind of match, Myra then started
to cry,cause Gregory was dead, She knew now Timmy would die, But then
The doctor Told me to take a test, and It was so weird, cause my blood,
was the exact match, but only a father's blood could be the match. Me and
Myra felt deeply confused, We sex only one time, So we asumed Gregory
the father of both children, But Myra never got a D.N.A test on gregory.
I then took a D.N.A test for both of the children and I was told, I was
The father of both children. It just felt so strange...and I thought what
If Gregory was really the father of Timmy, Timmy would had died. Me
and Myra knew we loved eachother over the years, but we never knew love
could overpower us to be destine the years, Me, Myra and the children became a loving family and had two more children, We named them
Nicole and gregory. I guess Even though we weren't watching over eachother,
Love watch our every move In life and made It our destiny to be together
forvever. For some strange reason we didn't see It coming, But love did.