A/N: Okay. This chapter is written script style because I didn't want to have to deal with he said, she said, that stuff. No other reason. Enjoy! One more thing, the end is from Dri's perspective.

Chapter 10

Lunch was a very interesting affair between the crewmates.

Dri: Mace, stop throwing things at me!

Mace: It's fun!

Kheva: Dri, let's play the hand-clapping game.

Dri: No

Kheva: Why not?

Mace: Why, would be the proper question?

Kheva: Anyone want sushi?

Dri: No.

Lor: You killed an animal! Of course I'm not going to eat it!

Dri: Save a cow. Eat a vegetarian.

Lor: Hey!

Nyssa: Kheva, give me your food.

Kheva: Get your own.

Nyssa: I'm too lazy.

Kheva: Fine. Starve.

Nyssa: That's so mean.

Kheva: I'm sorry. Here you go. (passes plate to Nyssa and gives Nyssa hug)

Nyssa: (sits there being hugged)

Mace: I don't think I've ever seen a guy that gives hugs.

Kheva: Do you want one, too.

Mace: NO! Touch me and die.

I'd say that's pretty random. Sadly, the same conversation took place everyday, with some slight adjustments. Sometimes Kheva cooked another kind of meat that Lor refused to eat. Sometimes Nyssa actually got her own food, but not very often.

A/N: I did not make this up. This is the conversation that happens at our lunch table (when we all happen to be at the same lunch table). So this is how lazy I am that I haven't posted in sooooo long.