A/N Hey Everyone, this is a poem I came up with in a few minutes, I was just playing around with a few words, and i was reading a story where the son was emotionally and mentally abused by his father. Well, that's the honeyed version anyway. Read and enjoy, and feel free to leave me a review too!

Aww.. Poor daddy

Aww poor daddy
Watch you writhe
Watch you squirm
You see it don't you?
Do you see it?
They see it
I see it
But you can't see it…
Why is that?
Are you blind?
Look behind!
Look at me
not through me
Talk to me
Not at me
What's wrong Daddy?
Don't you recognize me?
Your protégée'?
Your masterpiece?
Your victory
and your disappointment?
Your son?
"I wanna be just like daddy!"
What's that? You're dissapointed?
Am I not smart enough?
Quick enough?
Sane enough?
Well I owe that to you
Always in your debt daddy
Never making the grade daddy
Forever downcast by you daddy
Weep for me
Mourn for me
You did this to me
You did this for me?
are you proud now?
Hope you're proud now
"My how you've grown…"
See it take place
see me make
see me create
What you wanted
'No' you say?
But daddy this is the way
The only way
My only way
To make you pay
I hope you pray
Coz I won't pray
not for your soul
I'll mourn for you
I'll weep for you
They'd die for you
But they won't have to
You're already dead
to me
to them
to yourself
I'll just finalize it.
You did this to you
Now I'll do this for you.

Goodbye Daddy.