Stalking Is Merely Watching Now-a-Days
Sleeping through alarms
On chilly winter days
That bite through
Bones, and tire hearts
And like the others
Rushing away,
You fall in line
Except in
A more or less
Conformist way.
Straightening ties
In the mornings
Like they style
That ever
Hapless hair
And into such
Tighter and tighter
Jeans, drawing
Eye-liner just right
To make himself,
Prettiest of them all.
Chiding yourself,
Over petty
Mistakes, and
Oh that food
Sucking in nothing that's
But its so ever hard
To comfort
Someone what your
Ever so gasping to
Swallow air.
He smiles
And slips away.
And seeing
That image
In the distant
Form of my mind
I wonder what
Your outline tastes
But this is all
In passing
Glances, and shrill
Wishes, weaving
As you always do,
But I still stop,
To stare at you.
A.A. Second poem about the same person. But that was way back when, enjoy the malicious things my friends. And just to say, it is just being beautiful beyond all fairness and comprehension, I'd love and hate you for it. Though I dislike to be so superfical, we all are anyway (to an extent).