This is a short piece, but it was written for a short story contest, so what do you expect? :P I honestly think this is the best piece of writing I've ever done. It's certainly my favorite story that I've written. So, enjoy, and don't hesitate to constructively criticize!
A long time ago, deep in space, a star shone. For eons and eons it glowed a steady yellow, sending its light and heat deep into the void. It witnessed the passing of comets. It studied the patterns of nebulae. It read the messages of its brothers and sisters, and it mourned every relative lost to black holes or the crush of time. It sat alone, and it waited.
The star had no way to measure time, but it was around the four billionth year of its long life when the girl came. Her flowing hair was the blue of a dwarf star, and her eyes glowed a deep yellow. She was seated upon a comet with her legs crossed at the knee. Her fingernails were ice, and she wore a string of small asteroids around her neck.
She stood in front of the star and bowed, silently presenting him with her compliments. He returned them, to the extent he could, in the flares and radiation that is the tongue of suns. In his long ages of reading the universe he had never heard of a being composed of the cosmos, and he watched her curiously.
Her work was strange. She darted here and there, collecting bits of dust and fragments of rock orbiting the star. Under her attentions they began to merge, forming a large mass of stone and ice. The girl worked fast, and the object was soon as big as her. She gave it a push and it began to spin, rotating around its axis while it orbited the sun. It settled into its routine, steadily circling the star, and soon it had formed itself into a vaguely spherical shape.
The girl kept working, poking and prodding the ball of rock. The sun did not understand what she was doing, but it knew something was different. He could feel the sphere pulling at him, demanding his attention. Water formed on its surface, then drew back. The rock began to turn green. Wispy white clouds appeared. The sun had never seen such deep greens and blues before, or such soft whites, and they sat pleasantly on his sight.
Finally, the girl appeared satisfied and returned to stand before the sun, looking at him carefully. She spoke, the only words the sun ever heard her say, and though he knew no language besides his own, he understood her. "I leave her in your care," the girl said. "Watch over her well." She turned then and left, trailing comet dust behind her.
The sun glowed acceptance, and the earth warmed.