A window streaked with streaming rain
Looks out across a garden bare
Where one stone flower yet remains
A solitary rose unslain
Whose petals speak of silent cares
And windows streaked with streaming rain
A courtyard laid with rock and pain
The secret of the garden bears
Where one stone flower yet remains
There blood was spilled, while aid abstained
As one watched through with vacant stare
A window streaked with streaming rain
A blossom picked for her in vain
And love his dying breath declared
Where one stone flower yet remains
'Twas she who watched behind the pane
And she the memory must bear:
A window streaked with streaming rain
Where one stone flower yet remains
Author's Note: This poem grew out of two images that I thought of/found that I just fell in love with: a stone flower and a window streaked with streaming rain. Both appeared to me in different ways at different times but I immediately knew I must use them together. I suppose this is about lost love, betrayed love, or dying because of love. Not a very bright outlook on love now that I think about it, and with Valentine's Day coming up that really doesn't make much sense. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed it. I can't decide on a title so I'm open to suggestions. Reviews are very much appreciated.